Articles > Version 0.17.0: Enhancing the MultiQuest Experience: The Epic End Game Fight

Version 0.17.0: Enhancing the MultiQuest Experience: The Epic End Game Fight

Version 0.17.0: Enhancing the MultiQuest Experience: The Epic End Game Fight's image

In the world of gaming, creating an immersive and engaging experience for players is a paramount goal for developers. It's all about giving gamers something that not only excites them but also challenges them to their core. In the ever-evolving realm of MultiQuest, I am thrilled to announce a groundbreaking addition to my game that promises to do just that - the epic end game fight accessible via the game's final quest. In this devblog, I'll delve into the details of what it took to bring this feature to life and what the future holds for MultiQuest.

The Path to the Ultimate Challenge

To provide players with a complete gaming experience, I embarked on a journey that involved tackling various requirements upfront. Here's a glimpse of what I had to accomplish:

1. Developing Instanced Maps: Creating unique instances for our players to explore and battle within, ensuring a truly personalized experience.

2. Adding Game Server Sharding: Scaling our server infrastructure to accommodate the increased load, making multiplayer interactions smoother and more reliable.

3. Introducing an In-Combat State: To prevent players from disconnecting during intense battles, I implemented an in-combat state, allowing players to reconnect without any hindrance.

4. Party Teleport Feature: I've made it easier for players to team up and venture into the new end game fight together with the addition of a party teleport feature.

5. Backend Servers Communication Scheme: A major overhaul in the backend servers communication system to ensure efficient data exchange and synchronization.

These technical improvements are vital for a seamless gaming experience and will lay the foundation for future enhancements.

The Road Ahead

With the end game fight now accessible, my focus will shift towards polishing the game, fixing bugs, and experimenting with various ideas using the existing systems. Procedural generation and lighting system improvements are on the horizon, promising to bring even more excitement and immersion to MultiQuest.

Change Log

Here are the latest updates and improvements that you can expect in MultiQuest:

In-Combat State:

  • Players engaged in combat now enter an in-combat state, which lasts until they stay out of the fight for 15 seconds (no damage given or taken).

Player Disconnection:

  • If a player disconnects with the in-combat state active, their character remains in the game for 2 minutes, allowing them to reconnect.

  • Disconnected players characters will be in an IDLE state, with their names displayed in gray.

Reconnecting Players:

  • Reconnecting during this timeframe lets players continue playing as usual, even staying in their party if they were in one.

  • When players reconnect to an instanced map, they arrive on the map if it's still running on the server; otherwise, they are teleported to their latest respawn point.

Unresolved Disconnections:

  • If a player fails to reconnect within the time frame, their character is removed from the game world.

  • If their character dies while disconnected, its position is reset to the latest respawn point and it is removed from the game.


  • Players can now teleport to an instanced boss room using a teleporter.

  • Players can now teleport their party to an instanced boss room using a teleporter.

  • Parties can only teleport to an instanced map if there is no existing instance for that party.

Game Server Sharding:

  • I've implemented multiple game servers, each responsible for a section of the world. This change is transparent to the players, ensuring a seamless experience.

New Endgame Quest:

  • Embark on a new quest to defeat the ultimate boss and claim your victory.

Monster Behavior:

  • Monsters now wander closer to their spawn points, preventing the 'reset to spawn' action to be trigger early when attacked on the edge of their spawn max area.

Visual Enhancement:

  • I've reduced the size of merchant shop item icons for a more visually pleasing experience.

Boss Room Combat State:

  • In boss rooms, the combat state is always applied, even if players remain out of combat.

Quest Organization:

  • Quests are now ordered by their ID in the quest window for easy navigation.

These updates ensure that MultiQuest continues to evolve and provide a thrilling and seamless gaming experience. I'm committed to making MultiQuest the best it can be, and I can't wait for you to explore all these new features and improvements. Get ready for the ultimate adventure in the world of MultiQuest!

Published on: 25/10/2023 in News